(816) 622-1114 info@tcfsg.com

Problems TCFS Can Solve for Industries
What is SOP?
Standard Operating Procedures provide the policies, processes, and standards needed for the organization to succeed. It is designed to ensure that employees work up to the standard.
Without SOPs, there is an increase of risks in security, subpar work quality, difficulty in implementing innovations, and may even lead the business to shut down.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

What is a consent order
in business?
A consent order is governed by federal and state laws, which vary by jurisdiction. It is generally a voluntary agreement worked out between two or more parties to a dispute.
What is a regulatory consent order?
Consent Orders (CO) are binding legal orders issued by financial regulators that force receiving institutions to formally address significant violations of regulatory standards.
How many consent order means are there?
There are over 377 samples of consent orders and more are being added.
The biggest question is, can your company afford not to be ready for what is to come next after a compliance violation?
What is a Disclosure?
A Disclosure is content required by law, regulation, or rule, to provide specific information on or
clarity to the product offer or service. There are two types of Disclosures:
- Verbatim Disclosures must use exact regulatory language and are approved by Legal and Compliance contacts.
- Simple Element Disclosures must use regulatory-required elements approved by Legal and/or Compliance.
What is a Disclaimer?
A Disclaimer is content to be included that limits or clarifies the scope of a product offering or service, for the protection from unwanted claims or liability. There are two types of Disclaimers:
- Governing Disclaimers are tied to an internal Policy, Procedure, or Standard.
- Contractual Disclaimers are either contractual, litigation avoidance based, or used to provide clarification for a product, offer, or service. Contractual Disclaimers are not tied to a Policy, Procedure, or Standard and are highly-customized to specific offers.
What is HIPAA and what is its purpose?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.
What is Anti-Bribery?
We will not seek to influence others, either directly or indirectly, by offering, paying, or receiving bribes or kickbacks, or by any other means that are considered unethical, illegal, or harmful to our reputation for honor and integrity.
What is Anti-Corruption?
It is opposing, discouraging, or punishing corruption with anti-corruption laws.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption